The Short Guide for Great Pool Table Cloth
Show your pool table a little love and attention. With just a few steps, you can keep your table looking like new and playing fast for years. Learn some tricks from the pros on how to clean and care for pool table cloth.
How to Clean Pool Table Cloth
So, here is what you need to know about cleaning pool table cloth:
Remove Surface Chalk
The first thing you’ll want to do is remove any chalk from the surface. You may read other help articles that suggest you vacuum your pool felt. That’s a fine option, but it’s important to remember that this is not the gentlest method either.
If you do vacuum your pool table, be sure to use a household low-powered vacuum. It’s important that you use an upholstery attachment with a brush and low suction to avoid damaging the cloth. Too much suction can actually stretch the cloth, so be careful. After vacuuming the playfield of the table, angle the attachment into the corners and edges under the rails.
Also, for woolen cloth, spray-on products, like Quick-Clean Pool Table Cleaner, can be used to charge the particles on the table, making them easy to wipe away with a micro-fiber cloth. In comparison to vacuuming, these types of products help prolong the life of the cloth by decreasing the amount of fiber stretching and pilling.
Brush It Off
Now, it’s time to brush. Start by sweeping under the cushions, all around the table and pockets with a pool table brush. These brushes are specially made with soft bristle tips that won’t damage pool table cloth. As you’re brushing, start at one end and go to the other, with the direction of the cloth.
Then, brush the cloth on the playfield. Start at one end and work towards the other with straight strokes in the same direction as the weave. Avoid brushing in a circular motion or using heavy strokes which can stretch out the cloth fibers. As you reach the end of the table, sweep the dust into a small dust pan with smooth edges which won’t snag the cloth. On woolen cloth specifically, you must brush in the same direction due to the directional nap.
If your table has Simonis cloth, consider using a Simonis X-1 Cloth Cleaner to pull the chalk dust from inside the cloth into the cleaner itself. The Simonis X-1 Cloth Cleaner is a patented high-tech cleaner that works using static electricity and capillary action to remove the chalk from the cloth. By using rapid back and forth motions, with little pressure, it removes chalk dust from the felt. The Simonis X-1 cloth cleaner should be used for Simonis cloth only. Any kind of fluid or spray cleaner is not recommended for Simonis cloth. It increases the opportunity of loosening the weave. It will not decrease pilling. Spray products can build up on Simonis cloth and give it a shiny and waxy feel.
Wipe It Down
Next, quickly wipe the pool table with a lightly damp cloth, using cold water only! This will help remove any dust that may have been brought to the surface of the cloth.
On the Spot
Spills happen, but don’t let them sit and become permanent stains. Blot up any liquids (even clear liquids) right away with a clean cloth. Avoid using a cloth that has been dyed, as the color can transfer onto the pool cloth. Do not use paper towels as they’ll fall apart and leave behind fibers.First, without rubbing, lightly press down on the cloth and let it absorb as much of the spill as possible. Then, add cool water to the stain with a clean, damp cloth. Pat over the area. Next, blot up as much liquid as possible by pressing on the spot with a dry cloth again. Finally, let the cloth air dry without anything covering the table. DO NOT play on the cloth until it is completely dry. Dropping a ball on wet cloth will put holes in the cloth.
Check out the selection of pool table cloth and billiard table cleaning products available from Monarch Billiards.
Tips for Making Pool Table Cloth Last Longer
Keep your pool table looking just like the first day it arrived with some simple care and maintenance measures.
- Cover the table whenever you’re not playing;
- Regularly clean pool balls using a proper ball cleaner liquid; If you use phenolic balls, Aramith recommends regular cleaning after each game using their billiard ball cleaner;
- Don’t wear jewelry or watches while playing pool to avoid snagging the cloth;
- Use the brush to remove large chunks of chalk during a game (X-1 for Simonis);
- Keep drinks away from the pool table;
- Always inspect your cue tip to make sure it’s in good shape;
- Don’t sit on the edge of the table.
For a more comfortable seat, see our selection of stools and chairs fit for any game room.
Stay at the Top of Your Game with Monarch Billiards
Our family-owned and operated business has been helping clients keep their pool tables looking great for 71 years and plans to do so for generations to come. Take care of your investment and share your love of the sport. Contact us if you have specific questions about how to care for your table; call 610-833-5100, visit our store in Crum Lynne, PA, or contact us online.